Paragon’s Carbon Water Filter Cartridge

Paragon’s Carbon Water Filter Cartridge
If you have concerns about the quality of your water, it is worth looking at different water treatment options. Water filters can reduce contaminants, bad odors, and taste in water. Carbon filters are able to do extraordinary things that aren’t possible with ordinary filters. A carbon water filter cartridge is capable of removing specific contaminants from water. It is crucial to understand what contaminants activated carbon water filters remove or reduce.
Carbon filters are an important player in water filtration today. Carbon block filters can remove as much as 99 percent of total suspended solids and volatile organic compounds from water. They also have the unique ability to remove sediment, heavy metals, and chloramines.
The Carbon Water Filter Cartridge Overview
A carbon water filter cartridge is also known as a carbon filter. They are different from traditional water filters. These filters are composed of coconut-based carbon that has been modified to trap more impurities. To increase the carbon’s surface area, heat or steam is first used to infuse it. Activation opens up pores that allow carbon to absorb more contaminants and trap them better. This makes carbon more efficient as a filter media.
Carbon particles have a large area which allows them to be exposed to as many active sites as possible in the filter media. This allows pollutants to be absorbed and removed at their highest potential. An activated carbon pound (450g) has a surface area of approximately 100 acres. This is almost three times the area of The Pentagon. Activated carbon is a great medium to remove impurities from water through adsorption.
What Does A Carbon Filter Do For Water?
Paragon Waters Solutions’s water treatment process uses carbon cartridges to adsorb impurities. Activated carbon absorbs water contaminants by acting as a sponge. Activated carbon absorbs contaminants by acting as a sponge.
The liquid’s dissolved contaminants move to areas that have the strongest attraction forces. The attractive forces that keep contaminants dissolved in the fluid are stronger than their attraction so contaminants are attracted by the carbon surface. If necessary, the filtered water flows to the next stage.
Carbon filters can be used to remove chemicals like chlorine and other chemicals that don’t stick to carbon. Activated catalytic carbon, which is more reactive than regular carbon, chemically alters and transforms chlorine molecules into salt.
What Water Contaminants Do Carbon Block Water Filters Remove?
A carbon water filter cartridge will remove many contaminants from water. These contaminants include chemicals, gas, as well as physical impurities. NSF International and Environmental Protection Agency (USA), claim activated charcoal filters can remove 60-80 chemicals from water, and reduce 30 others. They moderately reduce 22 other contaminants. When assessing the system’s ability or inability to remove these contaminants, there are two things you should consider.
- Type of activated Carbon (GAC/block)
- The quality of activated Carbon
It is important to ensure that tap water does not contain any harmful contaminants. For water treatment, activated charcoal filtration technology is recommended by the EPA. This technology can eliminate almost all known herbicides and pesticides as well as inorganic contaminants. These are just some of the water contaminants activated charcoal filters can reduce or remove.
Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, or PFOS for short, is a water and stain-resistant synthetic compound that is widely used to make carpets, fire-fighting foams, furniture, paper packaging for food, clothing fabric, and other materials that are resistant to water, grease, or stains. PFOS chemicals are difficult to break down, so they can stay in the environment for decades. Exposure to PFOS chemicals at higher levels can lead to adverse effects. These include congenital disabilities, liver problems, and cancers. Activated carbon filters are effective in removing PFAS, PFOS, and PFNA.
High-quality activated carbon filters can remove pharmaceutical residues from water. According to the World Health Organization, pharmaceuticals are synthetic and natural chemicals that could be found in prescription drugs, over-the-counter therapeutic drugs, and veterinary drugs. They can also be ingested through human waste and improperly disposed of drugs (e.g. Flushing drugs down toilets and sinks, or agricultural runoff containing animal manure can also lead to their infiltration. If pharmaceutical residues are allowed to build up in the environment, they can have a major impact on aquatic life. They can also leach into water wells.
There are many sources of phosphate in water. These include runoff, human and pet sewage, chemical manufacturing, and other sources. While phosphate is vital for plant growth, excessive phosphate can make water cloudy due to algal bloom. Premium charcoal filters can remove up to 90% of the phosphates.
Chlorine is the American water disinfectant choice. Nearly all U.S. water providers use chlorination before distributing water to customers. Chlorination is used to kill bacteria and other pathogens which can cause water to taste or smell bad. Studies show that chlorinated water is at least 93% more likely than water without it to cause illness, despite its incredible disinfecting power. Activated carbon filters can be used for removing chlorine and the unpleasant taste and smell it produces. Premium activated carbon filters can remove up to 95% of chlorine from certain water sources.
Chorine Byproducts
Chlorine used to treat water can react naturally with water compounds, forming harmful chlorine byproducts such as VOCs or THMs. Long-term exposure to some of these toxic byproducts can cause cancer and birth defects. The best way to get rid of chlorine byproducts is with an activated carbon filter. The technology removes 32 of the most common chlorine byproducts, according to the EPA. This includes the most commonly found byproduct in tap water reports: total THMs.
Chloride is an important ingredient in chlorinating drinking water. W.H.O. states that chloride levels higher than 250 mg/liter can cause water …”. to have a salty taste. This is particularly true for people on low-sodium diets or with certain health conditions.
Activated carbon filters were tested to remove 14 pesticides from water. These pesticides include Chlordecone/CLD/Kepone, Chlordane, and Heptachlor. Round-up also includes Lindane. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences defines pesticides as any substance used to kill, repel, or control certain species of animal or plant life that are considered pests. These substances include herbicides as well as fungicides. Because of their widespread usage, these agricultural chemicals can easily reach groundwater aquifers that are water-bearing. Pesticides can have short-term negative effects on the health, but they can also cause long-term problems that can last for months or even years.
For many centuries, herbicides have been used in global agriculture. This is done primarily to reduce undesirable weeds and increase yield. Sometimes, these chemicals can be left uncontrolled and endanger non-target aquatic organisms. Some herbicides can cause cancer in people. The ability of activated carbon to remove 12 common herbicides, including atrazine and 2,4-D weedkiller has been demonstrated.
Water can also contain lithium, a trace element naturally found in earth’s soils and mineral formations. Lithium can be found in tap water and used to reduce stress and depression. Even if further research is conducted, it is important to be aware of the possible health effects that this metal could have on our bodies. Charcoal filters can reduce the lithium content of drinking water by up to 90%
Are You Looking For A Carbon Block Filter?
Should you put in a carbon block filter? If your water quality tests show that you have detected any of these contaminants, a carbon filter is a good investment. If you are looking to purchase activated carbon filters and have them installed, choose from our carbon filter products. The carbon water filter cartridge is a very effective water treatment technology. It can resolve many water-contamination issues that we all deal with every day.
Choose Paragon Water Solutions
If you are looking for the best Water Filter manufacturer then look no further. Paragon Water Solutions has been around for decades and can provide easy solutions to any water problems in your home. There are many products available, including 3 stage reverse osmosis filter system, 4 stage reverse osmosis filter system, RO filter replacement, carbon block water filter, and under sink water filters. Our company is customer-driven and has a passion to save lives from water-borne illnesses. All water products are designed, engineered, assembled, and manufactured in our laboratories. They can be customized to meet your specific needs. If you have problems with your water filtration or if your water is not being cleaned properly, go straight to the water filter manufacturer Paragon Water Solutions, contact us today!