Sediment Filters

Cartridge sediment filters are used for the reduction of sediment, rust, scale, dirt, sand, and salt in water. We carry residential (SC Series) as well as commercial- and industrial-grade products (SG, SA, and SE Series) for commercial drinking water filtration, cooling tower filtration, surface water treatment rule LT2, industrial waste water treatment, whole house filtration, reverse osmosis pre-filtration, and ground water remediation.

Pleated Sediment Filter Cartridges
The SC and SG series of pleated sediment filter cartridges offer effective water filtration throughout your system. Each cartridge is manufactured with a pleated media around a rigid polypropylene core. The core and media are then immersed in a thermosetting vinyl plastisol. This results in a rigid design and minimizes potential bypass. Various media types are available from resin impregnated cellulose and synthetic.
- Large surface area for increased dirt-holding capacity
- Synthetic media for superior resistance to bacterial and chemical attack
- Colored end-caps for micron rating identification
- External netting for even pleat distribution
- Reduction of sediment, rust, scale, dirt, sand, and salt
- Filtration of commercial and/or residential drinking water
- Reverse osmosis pre-filtration

String-Wound Filter Cartridges
Paragon string wound filter cartridges are manufactured from pure, FDA-grade polypropylene fibers. These fibers are wound around a polypropylene core using the latest in winding machinery to ensure precise geometric patterns and tensions to maximize filtration performance.
- Rigid design for high flow applications and superior edge sealing
- FDA-grade PP string
- Good filtration efficiency
- High dirt-holding capacity
- Reduction of sediment, rust, scale, dirt, sand, and salt
- Residential POU/POE drinking water filtration
- Reverse osmosis pre-filtration

Melt-Blown Cartridges
The SC and SG series of melt-blown cartridges provide an economical solution for point-of-use (POU) home drinking water filtration. They are manufactured using a proprietary process to ensure the highest level of filtration performance and longevity. These sediment water filters also have the advantage of not using any glues or additives, which could foam, discolor, or cause other undesirable effects to the water being processed.
- Increased surface area for maximum capacity
- Superior resistance to chemical and bacterial attack
- No glues or additives to foam or discolor water
- Reduction of sediment, rust, scale, dirt, sand, and salt
- POU or POE residential drinking water filtration
- Reverse osmosis pre-filtration